Providential History Series:   

(These can be taken in sequence, or as stand-alone, individual parts)

World History, Liberty, and You

Watch for recorded courses online!

Revolution!—Founding I

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Civil War – Founding II

Fall 2012

The World at War – Founding III

Winter-Spring 2013


Watch for courses online soon!

The Providential History Series includes four courses, culminating in a Providential History Family Tour of sites along the East Coast where the hand of Providence was most clearly evinced.  Imagine gazing out across the ocean from Plymouth Rock, standing on the commons at Lexington, crossing the Delaware, soaking in the atmosphere of Independence Hall, touching the stone copings of the bridge across Antietam Creek, and hiking up Little Round Top!  The lessons silently taught in the heart at these and other sacred spots will mean more than scores of classes. The tour will include additional educational opportunities such as optional readings, discussions, and lectures, as well as fun activities for youths and families.

World History, Liberty, and You traces the implementation of the principles of liberty and their counterfeits, from Adam and Eve (and even before) to today.  The course emphasizes how God works with individuals willing to work with Him to bring about His plans, placing each student into that context.  This emphasis is carried on throughout the series.

The other three courses, Revolution!—Founding I, Civil War – Founding II, and The World at War – Founding III, deal with the history of America and its role in the world.  Everyone knows about the 18th century Founding, but there have been two foundings since then.  The constitutional make-up of our country changed radically, both legally and philosophically, after the Civil War.  Our constitutional structure went from federal to national in nature.  A similar constitutional shift took place, this time from national to international, after World War II.  Civil War – Founding II and The World at War – Founding III, address the effects, beneficial and detrimental, of those respective constitutional changes.  I believe that there are major problems with the national and international constitutional structures which must be addressed in order to make the next founding successful.  We can only address these problems successfully, however, if we first understand them, and understand the conditions which legitimately prompted them.

There is one other element.  Foundings are almost always preceded by a major crisis, usually a war, in which the definition and sometimes the very continuation of civilization itself seem at stake.  These crises must be met and overcome in order for a good founding to take place.  If the crisis is a war, then the war must be won.  (Think of the consequent founding if Hitler had won World War II!)  The three Founding courses, therefore, examine 1) the ideas behind the conflicts, 2) how the wars were won, and 3) the application of constitutional principles in the foundings which followed.

All of this is with an eye to the future.  Each class stands on its own as a study of the respective subject, and also fits into a philosophical whole designed to prepare students for their roles in times to come.  I hope and pray that we can resolve our constitutional issues without blood being spilt, as in the Glorious Revolution.  History, however, more usually tells a different tale, and individuals willing to stand for truth and liberty are called upon to fight.  If and when that time comes we need a generation – men and women both—raised to understand how to fight and win wars, and then to come home and ensure that the next founding is based on sound constitutional principles which promote liberty and prosperity.  (Else, why did they sacrifice in the first place?)  Those principles apply not only to the constitutions of governments, but also to the constitutions of families, economies, social institutions and much, much more.  I believe that God is raising just such a generation – our youth.  It is up to us to teach them the principles of liberty and how to go forward with God’s help in establishing these principles.
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